Leasachadh uaine, a’ toirt aire do chasg truailleadh anns a’ phròiseas dèanamh pàipear toileat

Faodar casg agus smachd truailleadh ann am pròiseas dèanamh pàipeir an taigh-dhealbh a roinn ann an dà roinn: Làimhseachadh-obrach a-staigh làimhseachadh fuaim a thaobh àrainneachd agus làimhseachadh uisge-beatha far-làraich.

Làimhseachadh taobh a-staigh planntrais

Including: ① strengthen the preparation (dust, sediment, peeling, pith, etc.), the use of water film dust collector, reduce dust pollution in the preparation workshop, collection of waste, combustion recovery of thermal energy, such as the use of rùsg, sliseagan fiodha, coire losgaidh feòir; ② water conservation, white water recycling, a number of times the water reuse; ③ to improve the extraction of cooking black liquor, strengthen the management of the counter current washing section to increase the number of sections, reduce the amount of cooking black liquor with the pulp taken away from the wash, and use the perfect cooking waste liquid recovery de cheimigean agus teicneòlas lùth teirmeach, leithid faighinn air ais alkali, agus cleachdadh coileanta lionn sgudail eile. And use the perfect cooking waste liquid recovery of chemicals and thermal energy technology, such as alkali recovery, as well as other comprehensive utilization of waste liquid technology; ④ chlorine dioxide or oxy-alkali bleaching, or hydrogen peroxide bleaching, in order to reduce the wastewater lignin chloride, chlorophenol and other toxic emissions; ⑤ condensate salach air a ghlanadh le dòigh às-tharraing smùid airson ath-chleachdadh gus sgaoilidhean uisge caithte de shusbaint nas lugha agus organach soluble a lughdachadh; ⑥ collection of run-off and dripping black liquor, Green liquid, white liquid, with electronic computer control to measure its concentration, automatically sent back to the corresponding tank percussion, to reduce emissions; ⑦ faighinn air ais snàithleach caillte, lughdaich susbaint solidan crochte ann an uisge caithte; ⑧ gus faighinn seachad air siabann turpentine sulfate a leasachadh, lughdaich sgaoilidhean stuthan puinnseanta; ⑨ làimhseachadh sgudal cruaidh, cleachdadh losgadh gus teas fhaighinn air ais, cleachdadh coileanta agus sloc nan trì seòrsaichean làimhseachaidh a lìonadh; ⑩ làimhseachadh duslach, faodar a chleachdadh ann an toirt air falbh duslach dealain, toirt air falbh duslach film uisge agus dealaiche seiclon agus uidheamachd eile; giullachd truailleadh èadhair Separator agus uidheamachd eile; air pollution treatment, collection of odorous gas in each workshop, including the odorous gas raised by dirty condensation water vapour, after cooling, dehydration, explosion-proof and other measures, sent to the boiler, alkali recovery furnace or lime kiln combustion treatment;? Noise treatment, take measures to eliminate vibration, sound insulation and switch to low-noise equipment.


Làimhseachadh uisge sgudail taobh a-muigh an lus

Thathas a 'làimhseachadh sgudail sgudail bho sgaoileadh iomlan an lus gu lèir aig a' Bhean-ìre gu lèir, no air a leigeil a-steach do bhuidheann uisge, no thathas a 'cleachdadh an talamh sgudail agus tha an talamh agus na lusan a' cleachdadh gus an uisge sgudail a ghlanadh. Primary treatment mainly removes suspended matter, with methods such as sedimentation and filtration and air flotation. Individual plants add flocculants to the wastewater to remove some of the dissolved colloidal organic matter, such as lignin and pigments. General primary treatment can remove 80 ~ 90% SS and 20% BOD5. secondary treatment for biochemical treatment, mainly to remove BOD5. Tha beagan phlanntaichean a 'buntainn ris an dòigh seo, a' cunntadh lòinteach, bioft, biofilters agus ath-nuadhachadh, Aeachd luathaichte, cuir fios gu Oxitation). Faodaidh làimhseachadh coitcheann àrd-sgoile 60 ~ 95% BOD5 a thoirt air falbh. Dùthchannan leasaichte, tha planntaichean fa leth ann airson a bhith a 'lughdachadh dì-cheadachadh agus làimhseachadh glanaidh air staidhre ​​uisge sgudail, gus an ruigeas ìre uisge òil, ach tha a' chosgais daor.


Tha pàipear toileat Yashi 100% nach eil a’ cleachdadh todhar ceimigeach agus puinnseanan. Tha am pròiseas gu lèir a 'cleachdadh teicneòlas pulping corporra agus neo-sèid gus dèanamh cinnteach nach eil fuigheall puinnseanta agus cronail ann, meatailtean trom, meatailt ann an SS eileamaidean cronail agus carcinogens. Cleachd Tha e nas sàbhailte agus tha luchd-cleachdaidh nas cinntiche.


Ùine puist: Lùnastal-13-2024